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>Unions Recognize World Aids Day

December 1, 2008 Updated: September 9, 2020

>The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic affects all of us. In the U.S., workers living with the disease have protections on the job. Here are 2 articles on what unions are doing around the world to ensure the spread slows to a stop and worker’s human rights are protected.

UNI – Africa Removing denial and the stigama still attached to those infected with HIV/AIDS are both important parts of the trade union action plan to tackle the disease in Africa. Read more about how unions are supporting members with this disease.

BWI- Asian Pacific Region
HIV/AIDS, a global pandemic has thrown new challenges to the trade unions around the world. Today on the World AIDS day – we remember all the brothers and sisters who have lost their lives and also, those who are afflicted with the deadly virus and are coping with the consequences.

Read more about the efforst the world over to stop this deadly disease: World Aids Campaign.

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