“The best way to get policies that benefit working people and our communities is to run for office and serve.”
-Brigid Kelly, UFCW Local 700 representative and Ohio state representative

Our hard-working union family is home to many strong women who are active in their communities and leaders on the job.
We’re proud to highlight Brigid Kelly during Women’s History Month. Formerly a staff member at UFCW Local 75 and a city council member, Brigid is now a UFCW Local 700 representative as well as a Ohio state representative. Using the experience she’s gained from both her professional and personal life, Brigid strives to help improve the lives of everyday Ohioans.
For over a decade, Brigid has been fighting for members of the UFCW, their families, and their communities. She works every day for issues like good wages, affordable health care benefits, and safe places to work.
Brigid’s current role as state representative is focused on ensuring that our children are receiving the best education by making investments in local schools, holding corporations accountable for taxpayer investments, and pursuing policies important to families, such as paid sick and family leave.
“We need more union members and more women weighing in on important policies that impact our communities every day,” said Brigid.
Brigid is one of several women from the UFCW who have gone on to serve in public office and work directly on legislation that will provide a better life for hard-working men and women. Brigid believes that “the best way to get policies that benefit working people and our communities is to run for office and serve.”