(Houston, Tex.) – Members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Locals 455, 408 and 540 in Houston and Dallas have reached tentative agreements with Kroger that protects affordable health care for workers and their families.
Workers and community supporters made their voices heard that securing reliable health care benefits for hourly wage earners was non-negotiable. Kroger heard that message loud and clear, especially in the form of customer and community support for Kroger workers.
The tentative agreement provides secure funding levels for health care benefits so that workers and their families can be assured that they will not face unexpected cuts to coverage. More details will be made available after UFCW members have an opportunity to discuss and vote on the proposals. The bargaining committees from all three local unions are recommending that members approve the agreement.
Workers will be voting on the proposals during meetings on Saturday and Sunday in both Houston and Dallas. If approved, the three-year contract will take affect immediately.
For updates on voting times and locations, log on to the local union websites – www.ufcw455.org, www.ufcw408.org and www.ufcw540.org