WASHINGTON – The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) endorsed President-elect Barack Obama’s candidacy in February because his run for the White House was based on renewing hope for the middle class—on restoring the American Dream for America’s workers. UFCW members nationwide were excited and energized by Barack Obama’s message. And that excitement and energy unleashed an unprecedented nationwide mobilization and outreach effort that reached millions of working families across the country to help secure Obama’s historic victory.
“We pounded the pavement, worked the phones and went door-to-door,” said 22-year-old Samantha Miskevich, Fish Department manager at an Acme Supermarket in Limerick, Penn., and member of UFCW Local Union 1776. “I’ve never worked so hard or talked to so many people. This election was about saving the middle class.”
The UFCW’s efforts were comprehensive, focusing not only on traditional battleground states, but also in expanding the electoral map in key states, including Virginia and Colorado, where UFCW members turned out in record numbers to change the direction of our country.
“This election was about getting America back on track,” said Teresa Ransone, a UFCW Local Union 400 member and Kroger supermarket cake decorator in Roanoke, Va. “What inspired me was Senator Obama’s position on affordable education and health care,” continued Ms. Ransone, who put in extra hours volunteering to phone bank and canvass for Obama in southwestern Virginia. “He proved time and again why he was the best candidate.”
UFCW local unions across the country were critical to countering misinformation, informing voters about the issues that matter to working families and ensuring that successful get-out-the-vote operations were in place.
While the hard fought election is now over, the UFCW efforts to rebuild our ailing economy and strengthen our middle class have just begun.
The UFCW looks forward to working closely with the Obama Administration and Congress to restore good middle class jobs to our communities.
“We know change cannot come overnight,” said Ransone. “But working people are ready to support President Obama and our other elected leaders to put economic policies in place that work for the middle class. Electing Senator Obama was the first step, but there’s more work to be done. We’re ready and committed.”