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On Latina Equal Pay Day, Remember the Power of the Union Difference

November 2, 2017 Updated: September 8, 2020

Latina Women Equal Pay Day
Latina Women Equal Pay Day

Although Latinas make substantial contributions to the U.S. economy, they have the largest wage gap, typically earning only 54 cents for every dollar earned by White, non-Hispanic men. You can help us fight unfair and unequal wages by supporting hard-working Latinas today, on Latina Equal Pay Day.

UFCW International Secretary-Treasurer Esther López explains more about today and how we can work together to make a better life for Latinas working in the U.S.

As López writes:

“There exists a sure-fire way for Latina women to earn the better wages they deserve: joining a union in their industry. Latina women who have joined a union earn more than their non-union counterparts — $242 more per week, in fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For decades, the labor movement, constituency groups, women’s organizations and other allies have been fighting for just and safe working conditions for hard-working families. Many of these folks are Latina women who are constantly finding new and innovative ways to bring people together and drive them to action.”

Read the whole Bustle piece here.

Please get involved and help us draw attention to this economic disparity by joining the Twitter storm (#LatinaEqualPay and #Trabajadoras) on Thursday, Nov. 2 at 2-3 p.m. Eastern Time. Additional information about Latina Equal Pay Day is available here.

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