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Championing Worker Rights

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UFCW Local 1155

Proud. Engaged. Involved.

The UFCW’s advocacy extends far beyond the bargaining table, as we actively engage in shaping broader policy measures that directly impact the lives and livelihoods of our diverse membership. We recognize the pivotal role that broader policy measures play in safeguarding the rights and futures of all workers. That is why we also support legislation that can address systemic challenges facing our members, from immigration reform to the future of emerging industries like cannabis.

Right to organize

Our labor laws need to be strengthened to prevent irresponsible employers from intimidating workers fighting for a voice in their workplace. The UFCW has long championed the passage of the PRO Act that would strengthen workers’ bargaining power and their right to join a union, penalize predatory corporations, safeguard the right to strike, and eliminate “right-to-work for less” laws. In addition, we support any measure that would end the misclassification of workers as independent contractors, or “gig workers,” to avoid responsibility for paying workers fair wages and benefits.

Immigration rights

The UFCW supports comprehensive immigration reform because it is critical to our long-term efforts to lift labor standards and empower workers. We need more robust protections for seasonal and other guest workers to prevent discrimination and displacement, elevate labor standards, respond to real labor market needs, end captive employment, and afford immigrant workers a path to citizenship.

Cannabis legalization

The UFCW represents thousands of workers in the emerging cannabis industry and supports cannabis legalization with protections for workers and strong social equity provisions. As Congress moves to legalize cannabis, policymakers must ensure that the newly formalized and rapidly expanding cannabis industry supports family-sustaining jobs, as well as a strong, diverse, and skilled workforce. The UFCW is advocating for legislation such as the SAFE Banking Act, which would give cannabis workers access to traditional banking and payroll services. 

Creating good jobs in the food industry

As the union that puts food on America’s tables, the UFCW knows that a safe and abundant food supply is good for our workers and good for the nation. That is why the UFCW believes that a worker-friendly Farm Bill is a vital piece of legislation that can guarantee fair labor standards in America’s food procurement; fully fund the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and improvements that ensure that online and delivery services support good jobs; and modernize the health and safety standards in our meatpacking plants. 

Unionize Your Workplace

Are you and your coworkers ready to negotiate for bigger raises, stronger benefits, and better lives? If so, the steps to start a union with UFCW are simple.

Learn how to start a union.
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