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We can do better together

Together, we are stronger.

Together, we can build better working conditions and premium benefits for all of the hard-working men and women at Giant/Martin’s, Hannaford, Food Lion, and Stop & Shop.

“We stuck together and it made us stronger. We really do have the power to make our company a better place to work.”

-Liz and Celina

We want to hear from you.

31,000 hard-working men and women of Stop & Shop stood strong together for better wages and benefits and forced Ahold Delhaize to do the right thing. We’ve all earned and deserve a better life, and working together, we can make it happen.

PAY: Increased pay & protected Sunday premium pay for all full- and part-time associates at Stop & Shop

HEALTH CARE: Kept health care affordable at Stop & Shop with low deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. Protected spousal coverage and all ancillary benefits for current and future part-time associates

HOLIDAYS: Kept all 10 paid holidays for full- and part-time associates and maintained holiday premium pay for all new hires

VACATION: Protected and kept ALL vacation days for part- and full-time associates

KEEPING EXPERIENCED MEAT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES IN EVERY STORE:  Protected skilled meat department employees from layoffs

MINIMUM HOURS: Achieved guaranteed 20 hours per week for eligible part-timers

ENSURING RETIREMENT SECURITY: Protected pension benefits at all for current and future full-timers. Saved at least 10,000 part-time employees’ pensions, and protected a reduced defined pension plan for future part-time employees

PROTECTING CUSTOMER SERVICE: Biannual meeting to discuss new technology changes and advance notice of rolling out new technology that impacts the bargaining unit (this one is for you, Marty!)

PAVING THE WAY FOR CAREER GROWTH: Promotion from part-time to full-time will be awarded with an immediate $2/hour increase

WORK SHOE ALLOWANCE: $50 voucher for work boots

Read more contract details here:  For Members   |   For Customers

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“We got a good contract because we had each other’s backs. Plain and simple. The company saw how strong we were together and now they respect us more than ever.”


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