(Dallas, Tex.)- United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 540 members in Dallas have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a potential strike, and to join the fight with Houston UFCW Locals 455 and 408 members to stop Kroger from jeopardizing affordable health care. When their contract expires on Sunday, there will be no extension.
“This is Texas-style UFCW solidarity. Kroger meatcutters in Dallas aren’t going to let Kroger kick around our brothers and sisters in Houston,” said Johnny Rodriguez, UFCW Local 540 President. “Every Kroger member in Texas deserves respect and fairness from this company.”
Kroger is a profitable, successful company. But just like in Houston, Kroger is refusing to share that success and agree to a fair contract for its employees. The company intends to bankrupt the health and welfare fund, forcing its employees and their families to make a tough choice – pay for health coverage, or pay the bills. It’s the same old dirty trick we’ve seen before.
Every day, the financial news comes out with another rosy report on Kroger – the company is realizing record profits, increasing market share, and growing revenues. Yet the company seems intent on forcing workers out into the streets and disrupting shoppers’ lives, just to satisfy their own greed.
That’s why UFCW members across Texas are sticking together and fighting back. They’re offering Kroger a choice: the company can continue to play games and offer empty excuses – or they can get real and settle a fair contract.
Whichever way Kroger wants to play it, UFCW members across the state will be standing together – one union with one voice – united in the demand for a contract that protects affordable health care.
In fact, tens of thousands of workers in cities across the U.S. are at the table with Kroger, attempting to bargain for a fair contract that will benefit Kroger workers, their company and their communities. Those UFCW members, working at Kroger stores in Oregon, Southern California, Toledo and Seattle, have had enough. They’re joining Texas workers in demanding Kroger step up to the plate and share the company’s success with the workers who make it possible.
UFCW members have heard all the excuses. Now, they’re telling Kroger to stop playing games and get serious – for the sake of business, workers and communities. It’s about time.
UFCW members are unified in a nationwide movement to improve jobs in the grocery industry for workers, families and communities. For more on UFCW negotiations across the country, log on to www.groceryworkersunited.com