More than 700 members of UFCW Local 3000 who work at LabCorp in Washington ratified a new contract on June 27. LabCorp is a health diagnostics company, and these workers provide care and diagnostics in labs, clinics, and hospitals across western Washington.
By taking a united stand during the negotiation process, these LabCorp members won some of the highest wage increases in this contract’s history. The three-year contract includes higher wages for every position, and the elimination of ghost steps, which means seven step increases that were previously “skipped” have been removed from the wage scale, guaranteeing annual anniversary raises for each position. The contract also includes a ratification bonus, 401(k) improvements, tuition reimbursement, and expanded benefit plans starting in 2025.
“We know that the fight doesn’t end here,” said Debby Gibby, who is a senior lab assistant at LabCorp and also served on the bargaining team. “Let’s use our momentum to continue to learn about our rights, enforce our contract, and build union power!”