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Kick off the New Year with wellness discounts

January 4, 2019 Updated: September 8, 2020

Snowy winter. The snow machine. A man cleans snow from the car with the help of special brushes.

According to researchers, about 60 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions but only about 8 percent end up following through with them. Need a little help? Here’s a few benefits available to UFCW members that can help kickstart your journey to a new year, a new you.

So, what are we all wishing for in the New Year? Here are the top 6 New Year’s resolutions:


71% pledge to diet or eat healthier

Once you register for discounts in the UFCW’s discount portal, you can find discounts on programs to help you eat healthier, such as:


PlateJoy makes healthy eating easy! First take their lifestyle quiz to help them to get your know your tastes, health goals, and time constraints. Then receive custom meal plans to simplify your life.

South Beach Diet

Lose weight fast and get in the best shape of your life with South Beach Diet! Delicious, nutritious and healthy. Learn the way to maintain a healthy weight without hunger or deprivations!

Personal Trainer Food

Personal Trainer Food is the smart, easy, and convenient way to lose fat, get the body you want, and feel great in the process. All their meal plans feature hand-selected meats, eggs, vegetables, nuts, and cheeses to help you lose weight naturally. 28 days of restaurant-quality foods are flash-frozen and delivered right to your doorstep. Their experienced Weight Loss Coaches are there for you every step of the way at no additional charge!

65% hope to exercise more

Gym Memberships

In addition to discounts for eating healthier, UFCW members are also eligible for discounts at the following gyms:

  • Active & Fit
  • Gym Network 360
  • LA Fitness
  • 24 Hour Fitness
  • Planet Fitness
  • Anytime Fitness
  • Gold’s Gym
  • New York Sports Clubs
  • Curves
  • Boston Sports Clubs

54% want to lose weight

Weight Loss Plans

Get help losing weight with discounts on signing up for Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, and more. Get dedicated, personal consulting at 500 locations for $19/month. Jenny Craig clients lose 3x more weight than dieting on their own. Your consultant will find a program that fits your life while creating a menu of delicious, nutritionally-balanced meals to keep feeling full and satisfied every day.

32% plan to save more and spend less

Through the UFCW discount portal, you can clip and print coupons to save on groceries, pet care items, restaurants, and more.

26% resolve to learn a new skill or hobby

UFCW members have access to free online learning that can help you learn a new language or get your degree.

21% aim to quit smoking

American Lung Association
10% discount on Freedom From Smoking Plus!

Quit smoking with the click of a button through the new Freedom From Smoking Plus, whose user-friendly interface allows you to create a personal quit smoking plan on your desktop, tablet or smartphone. Through interactive features that include videos, quizzes and activities, Freedom From Smoking Plus walks you through the quitting process and has a surround sound of support from their Lung HelpLine counselors and other quitters through their online community.

To access these discounts, register here and log in.

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