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More LabCorp Workers Say Union Yes and Join UFCW Local 1428

June 17, 2015 Updated: September 8, 2020


On Saturday, June 13, UFCW Local 1428 welcomed 40 new UFCW members who work at six different LabCorp facilities across southern Calif., after they overwhelmingly voted “yes” and won their election.

Adrianna Beltran, a LabCorp worker from Covina, California spoke about gaining a voice on the job:

“I am very happy to join my coworkers who voted in May! It was very disrespectful that LabCorp fought us so hard during our election. We are forming a union because we want to better our working conditions. I want to address retirement so that we can have a better future. For my coworkers who are voting next, if we stick together we can achieve much more!”

Veronica Beltran, a UFCW LabCorp worker who won her election back in May, had a message for her new union brothers and sisters:

“Congratulations on winning your election! We are all working really hard to make our workplace better. Because we are forming a union, LabCorp is making fast promises of changes that they had said ‘no’ to for many years! This is exactly why having a union works! Now, let’s keep winning the elections so that we can get our contract!”

Local 1428 hopes to begin discussing contact negotiations in July.

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